It’s a beautiful world. Sometimes that’s easy to forget. Photographic art can help remind us of the beauty of our natural world, not to mention brighten the decor of our homes and offices. If a picture is worth a thousand words, why not choose some really beautiful ones. Surround yourself with beauty!
My goal in photographing the natural world is to overcome the inherent limitations of traditional photography to produce images with depth and perspective that artistically represent the beauty of our natural environment. The human eye is far more capable than any camera at seeing the beauty of a natural scene. I strive to overcome that gap. The sense of awe inspired by nature’s magnificence is what I attempt to translate from nature to every photographic image I produce. As a discipline, photography necessitates a delicate balance between skilled technical merit and artistic vision. Few artistic endeavors can be as gratifying.
Please peruse this site and connected art galleries and I hope you’ll find an idyllic perspective to preserve a vacation memory or simply act as a reminder of the vast beauty of our natural world. Prints are available from this site as well as in the Idaho Falls art gallery. Contact me if interested in limited edition signed art prints. I am also available to guide small groups of photographers to the best scenic locations in Yellowstone and the Tetons. Thanks for visiting online. Please stop by the art gallery, and of course, enjoy the photos.